What does the evil eye bead do?

Evil Eye




The evil eye bead is a bead that is believed to protect people from evil eyes. Throughout history, in most cultures and religious beliefs, the eye figure has been considered a powerful talisman that repels evil.



In general, the evil eye beads are in the shape of an eye. The eye is also called a bead. In this context, one's window to the world is the eye, 
and the eye is considered the first point of departure for all kinds of good and bad thoughts. For this reason, blue stones, which are believed to
have absorbent properties, have been used for a long time to protect them from bad eyes. And it took its final form as today's various kinds of evil eye beads.


Currently, many people keep the evil eye bead in places where they use it frequently in their daily lives, both as a belief, tradition and ornament. While making an evil eye bead, lead is poured into it. It is also said to bring good luck. According to ancient folk belief, it is not possible for every blue glass bead to ward off the evil eye. These beads have features that must be found, for example, according to some masters, yellow eyes should be placed on blue.



In addition, it must have been melted in a special place ("Eyeli/Eyelü" according to older folk beliefs, that is, with a protective spirit) as an "Eye Furnace". The establishment of the evil eye bead hearths was also carried out with a special ceremony in the past. No other glass work is done in this furnace, only evil eye beads are made. So much so that the master who makes other glassware in the same workshop uses only the main stove to produce evil eye beads. In addition, a real evil eye bead must be made by hand, the beads produced in series with machines mean nothing more than an ornament.



The Importance of Evil Eye Beads in Turkish History


Some of the terms given to the evil eye bead in Turkish communities in history, such as munçuk, moncuk, monşak, monçak, moncok, muynçak, continue to be found in the languages ​​of some nations today. It literally means "bead". In general, they are items such as stones, lion claws and amulets attached to the neck area.



Attila Han's father's name is Muncuk, and Gökçe Munçuk (Blue Bead), which is what Albis fears in Turkish folk belief, is actually the origin of the concept of evil eye bead. The word Kotaz is also a word used in the sense of evil eye bead. There is the logic that it is protected because it draws the eye's attention to a different side, and it is said that very strong evil eyes crack the kotatas (evil eye beads) and sometimes break them into pieces. It literally means "sacred object". The terms Köşgük and çom mean evil eye. Our belief in the evil eye goes back to Central Asia, to the period of Shamanism. In the past, it was believed that bad looks and negative energy would bring disaster to people, and today there are many people who believe in the evil eye. The Turks used many objects to prevent bad looks.



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